Root Cause Analysis Training
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a management process that seeks to locate the ultimate root causes behind performance or process-related problems, and then proceed to resolve the problem by treating these underlying causes, thereby eliminating or reducing the anomalous impact such as maintenance cost. The critical importance of this is the prevention of recurring failures.
In summary, the goals of RCA are:
Failure identification – identifying what exactly went wrong
Failure analysis – analysing why it happened, discovering the root cause
Failure resolution – providing a solution that prevents recurrence
Root Cause Analysis has been widely applied in diverse fields and industries, including the chemical, petrochemical, power generation, transportation, healthcare and construction industries. It is an important Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement tool.
Duration: 2 Days
Target Audience:
All personnel / team members directly involved in Operational Excellence/ continuous improvement/quality improvement initiatives from both the manufacturing and service (including banking and finance, logistics, healthcare, government and public service) sectors
Programme Objectives:
This 2-day Root Cause Analysis training aims to provide in-depth and practical knowledge of root cause analysis. Through practical exercises and case studies, participants will learn about:
- Proper problem definition and scoping
- Managing problem solving activities as a team based project
- Diving deep into the chains of cause-and-effect of the problem using Current Reality Tree to uncover root causes
- Identifying suitable solutions to eliminate each root cause using Future Reality Tree
- Exploring and mitigating risks associated with identified solutions
- Selection of the best solution using Pugh Matrix, when there is more than one solution for each root-cause
- Planned implementation and maintenance of selected solutions to prevent problem recurrence
- How the organisation can support the RCA approach
Programme Outline:
- Introduction to Root Cause Analysis
- Problem Identification and Prioritisation
- Team Formation
- Problem Definition and Project Charter
- Identifying Root Causes (Current Reality Tree)
- Identifying Solutions (Future Reality Tree)
- Solution Selection and Implementation
- Sustaining the Gain
- Organisational Support
- Case Studies and Exercises
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