Enterprise Development Grant
EDG Application Guide
Below is a compilation EDG Grant application guide for the three pillars of Enterprise Development Grant: Core Capabilities, Innovation and Productivity, and Market Access. Applicant companies must ensure the information provided is relevant and complete.
Core Capabilities
- About the Company
- Year of incorporation
- How has the company progressed over the years? What are some significant milestones that the company has achieved?
- Key business activities and products/ services
- Key customer segments/ markets and overseas presence (if any)
- Company’s growth plans and/ or targets for internationalisation
- About the Project
- Describe the current state of your business operations or processes.
- Describe challenges or opportunities. Use figures where possible.
- How will the project address the above challenges/ opportunities?
- Describe the reasons for your choice of consultant and/ or solution provider (if applicable).
- Project Outcomes
- How will this project help your company build new capabilities and contribute to your growth/ internationalisation plans?
- List the quantitative outcomes and qualitative outcomes.
- Project Milestones
Innovation & Productivity
- About the Company
- Year of incorporation
- How has the company progressed over the years? What are some significant milestones that the company has achieved?
- Key business activities and products/ services
- Key customer segments/ markets and overseas presence (if any)
- Company’s growth plans and/ or targets for internationalisation
- About the Project (Please answer the section(s) below if your project has the following scope)
- Process Redesign/ Automation
- Describe the current state of your business operations or processes.
- Describe challenges or opportunities. Use figures where possible.
- How will the project address the above challenges/ opportunities?
- What productivity improvements do you expect to derive from the project? (please illustrate with before and after productivity indicators)
- Describe the reasons for your choice of consultant and/ or solution provider (if applicable).
- Product Development
- Describe the product or technology that you are developing.
- What are the similar systems/ solutions in the market (if any)? How is your product different or better?
- What are the barriers to entry (if any) that will make replication of your product /service difficult for your competitors?
- For this product, what is the target market in terms of size, customers, market niche and geographical coverage?
- What are your pricing, promotion, sales and distribution strategies?
- Have you obtained any indications of interest from relevant reference customers, partners or third party investors for the proposed project?
- Project Milestones
Market Access
- About the Company
- Year of incorporation
- How has the company progressed over the years? What are some significant milestones that the company has achieved?
- Key business activities and products/ services
- Existing key customer segments/ markets and overseas presence (if any)
- Expansion Plan
- How will this project contribute to your growth/ internationalisation plans?
- What is the target country and/ or market segment and reason(s)?
- Key competitors in target country and/ or market segment
- [Please skip (d)-(g) if you are applying for a Standards project]
- Competitive advantage/ unique selling point of product/ service in target market
- Past successes/ track record in target market (if any)
- Who are the existing partners/ network in the target market? What are the available opportunities in the market? (if any)
- Other benefits to be reaped by company (if any)
- Project Milestones
- Overseas Sales Projection
Contact Us
Contact us now and our friendly customer service consultants will be in touch with you to understand your needs & requirements and conduct a preliminary assessment of your eligibility for EDG or assist you in your EDG Grant application.