Do you know that the best quality is determined during the design stage? The best way to have quality products or processes is to improve the design process during the initial system and product development stage. Discover how DFSS can help your organisation to improve product and service quality, and bring about greater customer satisfaction and profitability.
Design for Six Sigma
Designing Quality Into Products and Services
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is an emerging process management methodology related to traditional Six Sigma. While Six Sigma methodology targets breakthrough improvement of an existing manufacturing or service process (as part of a bigger picture of continuous process improvement), DFSS seeks to avoid manufacturing/service defects at the outset by improving the design process during the initial system/product development phase.
In short, DFSS aims to build the efficiencies of Six Sigma methodology into the design process before the implementation phase. The desired outcome of DFSS is a system/product solution that increases product and service effectiveness in the eyes of the customer, leading to greater customer satisfaction and market share.
To achieve this objective, DFSS uses advanced Voice of the Customer (VOC) techniques to determine the true needs of customers and the business, and driving those needs into the system/product solutioning process through effective systems engineering techniques. These systems engineering techniques include specialized tools and processes to model, simulate and predict system/product performances before implementation.
Included in the standard DFSS toolkit are methods such as Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Kano Analysis, TRIZ, Design for Assembly & Manufacturability, Robust Design of Experiments, Statistical Tolerancing, Sensitivity Analysis, Multi-Optimization and Reliability Engineering.
Similar to the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve & Control) roadmap of Six Sigma, DFSS integrates the tools application systematically into an IDOV (Identify, Design, Optimize & Validate) roadmap, essentially deploying the best practices in VOC & systems engineering into the design process.
When effectively executed, the IDOV roadmap brings an organization closer to achieving ‘Six Sigma’ levels of performance by ‘designing in’ these expectations into the system/product development process.
DFSS Design For Six Sigma Courses
We provide in-depth training and full working knowledge and tools of Design For Six Sigma (DFSS). Visit Our DFSS Training programmes page now.
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