Capability Development Grant | CDG
Are you an SME (small and medium enterprise) owners? Do you know that you can defray up to 70% of qualifying project costs with the Capability Development Grant (CDG) or the upcoming Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) ?
What Is Capability Development Grant (CDG)?
The Capability Development Grant (CDG) is a financial assistance programme (managed by Enterprise Singapore*) that helps you build capabilities across various key business areas, ranging from Productivity Improvement, Business Excellence and Service Excellence, raising service standards, adopting technology to staff training and overseas expansion. The grant supports a wide range of capability upgrading initiatives to help you grow your businesses locally and globally.
Latest Update on CDG
1. Important Notice: Applications for the Capability Development Grant (CDG) and Global Company Partnership (GCP) Grant have ended on 24 October 2018. The EDG has replaced both grants.
2. Please contact the Enterprise Singapore directly for more information about Capability Development Grant (CDG), Enterprise Development Grant (EDG), or other Government Grants.
What Are The Qualifying Project Costs Supported By CDG?
The grant defrays up to 70 percent * of qualifying project costs such as:
- consultancy (Management Consultants are required to be certified under Enterprise Singapore Consultant Quality Initiative (CQI)).
- manpower
- training
- certification
- productivity improvement
- process improvement
- developing new business capabilities for competitiveness
- equipment costs
- product development
- market access
What are the Capability Development Areas supported By CDG ?
Businesses can obtain grant support for their capability upgrading efforts in these 10 development areas:
- Product Development
- Branding & Marketing
- Business Excellence
- Business Model Transformation
- Standards Adoption
- Financial Management
- Human Capital Development
- Intellectual Property
- Enhancing Business Processes for Productivity
- Service Excellence
What Is The Eligibility Criteria For Capability Development Grant (CDG) ?
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that meet the following criteria are eligible:
- Registered and operating in Singapore
- At least 30% local shareholding
- Group annual sales turnover ≤ S$100m or group employment of ≤200 employees
Enterprise Singapore will assess the application based on your needs, the project scope and competency of the service provider in improving your business capabilities. All applications are subject to SPRING’s approval.
Note :
- Enterprise Singapore is a statutory board under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, formed by the merger of SPRING and IE (International Enterprise Singapore).
- Please contact the Enterprise Singapore directly for more information about Capability Development Grant (CDG) or other Government Grants.
- Ministry of Trade and Industry Singapore (MTI) Press Release Issued on Issued on 1 March 2018.
- Enterprise Singapore (